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  • EFWMA had a surprise Intruder Detection on October 19th, 2022. There were two findings: a door unlocked and a day missing from the weekly audit sweep. The EFWMA Safety Committee met the following day to address the concerns and put together a plan. The Site Base Committee, which comprised of our room parents, was informed of the findings and the plan. The board president was verbally informed the next day and the board was informed during our monthly public board meeting in November. The agenda and plans are attached below:

    Drill Logs

    Board Information

    November Board Agenda

     Safety Committee Meeting in October

    Texas School Safety Approval

  • March 8th, 2023 Agenda

    On March 2nd, 2023 ALLL EFWMA Staff and Consultants took a second batch of Safety Trainings - How to respond to an active shooter threat. The training was 2.5 hours long provided by Guardian Shield.

    On March 8th, 2023, EFWMA practiced it's lockdown drill. The agenda is below that shows the debriefing of the Safety Committee Meeting right after the drill was completed. 

    The Safety Committee met from 2:00p.m - 2:45p.m.