Teacher Incentive Program
In June of 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3 (HB3), which was signed into law by Governor Abbott establishing the optional Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program. Two goals of this program are to provide incentive pay to highly effective teachers and to attract and retain effective teachers especially in rural and high-poverty level schools.
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature as part of House Bill 3 in order to reward, recruit, and retain excellent teachers within rural and high socio-economic need schools. TIA allows school districts to create compensation plans for teachers based on teacher effectiveness and student equity, and provides a realistic pathway for outstanding teachers to achieve a six-figure salary.
Teachers may earn a designation of recognized, exemplary, or master teacher based on their district's local designation system, a credential that will be recognized on their Texas teaching certificate and valid for five years. Local designation systems must, at a minimum, consider the teacher's proficiency as measured by a research based evaluation system such as T-TESS, as well as valid and reliable measures of academic growth demonstrated by the teacher's students. Local designation systems are to be developed with input from a variety of stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, community members, and district leadership. Teachers may also automatically earn a designation of recognized if they achieve National Board Certification.
Click on the link to watch the 3 minute guide video to Teacher Incentive Allotment - https://youtu.be/-CKr8uN3OQE To learn more about the Teacher Incentive Allotment, please visit tea.tiatexas.org. To learn more about TIA in East Fort Worth Montessori Academy, access the other pages