Parent Information
The following links and documents are resources for parents to find out more information about special education:
Region 11: Education service center that provides resources and training for educators and parents.
ARD Guide-A comprehensive document that outlines the individual education program (IEP) and parental participation for students in a special education program.
ARD Guide English 2021
ARD Guia en Español 2021
Procedural Safeguards-Explains the rights and responsibilities of the parent in the special education process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Procedural Safeguards English 2021
Special Education Rules and Regulations-This “side-by-side” document gives parents, educators, and other members in education an understanding of federal regulations (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), State Law (Texas Education Code), and State Rules (Texas Administrative Code: Commissioner's and State Board of Education Rules concerning Special Education).
Special Education Acronyms-Special education is known for having a language of its own because educators, principals, speech-language pathologist, assessment specialists, etc use these terms frequently in discussions with parents. As an equal partner in your child’s education planning, we want our families to feel comfortable and understand the information their receiving. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you have!
SPED Updates
SPED Updates
Hello EFWMA Parents ,
Please read the flyers attached for updates on special education. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Samantha Barnes at 817-496-3003.
Thank you
Special Education Resources
Updates on Special Education - English Version
Updates on Special Education Spanish Version
Parents Guide to Admission, Review and Dismissal Process
Parents Guide to Admission, Review and Dismissal Process in Spanish
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Notice Of Procedural Safeguards in Spanish
Compensatory Services - English
Compensatory Services- Spanish
Transition and Employment Guide